Thursday, July 28, 2011

This Weeks Popcorn Offerings...

I watched a few less movies this week.. in order to get some other important tasks mother my children ( j/k. I watch movies while they sleep ). But in all seriousness I've been doing some painting, cleaning, reading and stitching on a new quilt that has me pretty excited to share next week, and most importantly I've been getting back to myself and all the things I'm reaching for. I've been running and growing and eating real food again and man, it's good to be back...I even started my first bin of compost this week, thanks to my sister in law Leah and her great gift of cute compost bags ... Cute Composting...who knew?

Anyway, I do have a couple movies to share this week and I have taken note to watch several of the suggestions that have been offered to me. This next week's lineup is looking pretty good actually....

But in retrospect, here's what captured my imagination these past few days...

The Hours Starring Meryl Strep, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore.
I know, I should've place Nicole Kidman's name first because she was technically the star of the show and won an Oscar for her performance and really she did an amazing job in her role. All the women in this movie did. It was superbly written, directed and acted from start to finish....but definitely NOT the feel good movie of the year. If you are looking for that... watch "Remember the Titans"... skip the Hours. It really is several hours of different women contemplating the validity of continuing living and some ending up on the side of the equation that decides to end it all. It was deep and difficult and strong from start to finish, something I'm glad I took the time to watch but not really something you feel like noshing back a bowl of popcorn while watching... that would almost feel disrespectful...and if you love Meryl Strep the way I do, then you will be on the edge of your seat whenever she steals the screen anyway..

And speaking of stealing the screen.... Why has it taken me this long in my life to finally watch Funny Girl Starring the one and only Barbara Streisand and Omar Sharif.  I thought Nick Arnstein was a total tool from the very beginning to the very end...but whenever there was Barbara there was something magical happening on the screen...seriously watch this movie... then learn the lyrics to the songs because they are PERFECT for singing in the shower or with a hairbrush in front of the mirror....just take a look at yourself and say, "Hello Gorgeous." :)

And finally, up to bat was The Source Code: starring Jake Gylenhaal.
I had my doubts with this one that it would let me down the same way the Adjustment Bureau did in last week's lineup...Certainly this film is full of highly unrealistic logical loopholes that really make little sense, but the concept was definitely cool and I really actually liked this movie.  Jake Gylenhaal plays a soldier on a highly sensitive mission to find the suspect who bombs a Chicago city train traveling inside what he thinks is the memory bank of a man who died in the bombing earlier that day. The coolest thing about this movie is that the bomb and the train and the lunatic who plants the bomb really have very little to do with the story. The story is more about our soldier and what he must discover about himself and the nature of the source code he's operating in...but I won't give a way anymore. This was definitely a popcorn worthy movie, enjoyable also because, for an action/suspense flick, it didn't pack along any unnecessary gore or guts... I give that a thumbs up too.

So, that's all I have to offer this week. Like I said I've got a few gems in my stash for next week and a few more lazy summer nights to spend curled up on the couch.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brian and his sister just watched source code last night. They liked adjustment bureau better. Glad to hear your are getting your groove on!



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