But don't you feel alive when you notice things.
It's like taking stock of the small details and not letting them pass... well, unnoticed.
Recently I read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" which was such a great novel I could dedicate a whole post to it, but for today I was reminded of a scene where Francie, the protagonist, tries to capture a moment in her memory; to freeze it forever and store it away.
She starts to try to really notice all the things around her, from the way her shoes feel on her feet to the smells in the air.
Today I couldn't help walking around my house doing the same thing.
Of course that naturally led me into taking stock of the things I am grateful for today and everyday, and having been inspired a while ago, by my friend Breanne and the blog of Anne Voskamp I thought I'd share some of the noticed things, and start my list of a 1000 things I am truly grateful for:
Today, I noticed....
That Christmas is indeed coming closer...
A conversation between Sheriff Woody and a family of wooden elephants at an amusement park about the importance of saying prayers before eating.....
Now you know.....
How much I want to eat those legs....
The sneaky bits of vandalism done by a certain little boy with a marker when mommy WASN'T noticing.
How much better that same sneaky little boy is getting at standing on those two precious feet.
1. Babies Babies Babies being added to the family
2. having a reliable vehicle to take us where we need to go.
3. Having a set of legs that take me there when the vehicle falls through.
4. Having a Heavenly father who NEVER falls through
5. Being able to REALLY communicate with someone you love
6. Sleepovers
7. Having ENOUGH and knowing it.
8. The warmth of home when the world freezes over
9. GENTLE reminders
10.Kisses from little mouths
I am blessed.

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