Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happiness Is...

Happiness is a long weekend.

A long weekend spent....

With a visit from one so dear to your heart that her very presence is like opening a window
 Eating "not-bad" tuna sandwiches with "not bad" pickles...

A finished scarf

Happiness is...
Going for a cocoa/coffee date with your little girl
A trip to the Thrift store resulting in this many books:

An old favorite...

And a new.

Happiness is...
An evening heart to heart with a sister while making chocolate cake from scratch,

and eating that cake until Monday

The stillness of the house all to yourself
Time to think
Happiness is...

Cream  of Broccoli in the sunshine 
Story time with Opa
Hugs and the smell of Oma's perfume.

Happiness is another heart to heart with a new friend 
Echoing many of the same thoughts.
Babies in the playroom
Indian Food and more chocolate cake...
Not wanting the evening to end...

and having a sweet girl in red jammies call you "pretty"

Happiness is an extra day of rest and play
Sleeping in cuddles with your baby boy, 
oh so carelessly strewn across your pillow with that fuzzy hair
A trip to a petting zoo ...

enjoying the smell of the animals,
The softness of wool
The warmth of a pony's back

Happiness is...

Balloons in bright colors perfect for dancing with

A box of 64 crayola crayons and a new coloring book. 

Processing feelings while building an etch-a-sketch city

The optimism of a sundress and sandals

The optimism of glass of mango juice almost Half Full

Yes, happiness is in the right now of remembering
all the special bits and pieces of a Family Holiday, 

A weekend well lived.

How was your weekend?

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