Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hats: Three Like Smee for the Sewing Bee

So, I went "a little crazy with the cheese whiz"*  this week making little infant hats from Julia's tutorial on last week's Sewing Bee post at Happiness Comes.

You too, can follow Julia's tutorial here; as you can see it involves a highly complicated method of cutting up old T-shirts. :)

They were just so cute and easy to whip up and the first three made me so tickled cause they looked like little "Smee" hats from Peter Pan.

I clapped my hands in delight and made 2 more naturally for almost every baby I know that is on the way. (so if you know me and you are pregnant, you are likely getting a little smee hat)

This was also my first time sewing knit fabric and I think I handled the learning curve pretty well, the real test will be when I incorporate elastic into the little wrists of the matching no-scratch mittens still to come.

Anyway, five little babes will have toasty heads and three will look just a little bit like Pirate sidekicks.

How cutesy they thar be.


* If you caught this reference, congratulations on also being someone who listened closely to the lyrics of Beck's "Odelay" album from the mid nineties. This is a saying that get's said pretty much daily in our house.

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