Friday, February 25, 2011

A Moment in Time

It is my Friday morning ritual to join along with SouleMama in posting a moment from the week to savor as I head into the weekend.
Sometimes I bend the rules of the game and post more than one photo, a photo with words or some variation on the theme.

This week, I do indeed have a photo to share, but it isn't the moment from the week that made the most impact on me.
In fact, this week was full  of all kinds of moments, just not the kind neccessarily captured on camera for all to see.

There were moments that hit the whole spectrum. Yes, if ever I was an emotional basket case it was this week...

Over the last couple of days, I wrangled my way through more than one difficulty, hugged some stuff out, cried a bunch and answered a phone call that threatened to shake the core of life as it has always been....

I was reminded that life can change so quickly.
Relationships can change so quickly.
Everything often comes down to moments:
Difficult ones,
Painful ones
Scary ones
Strong ones
Relieving ones
Beautiful, breathtaking ones.

Really this week I've been holding on to the moments the best I can, cause sometimes on this roller coaster that's all you can do...

You just hold on.

May you have and hold onto blessed moments this weekend...

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