Friday, January 7, 2011

What can I say about Sally????

I promised a quick post about things from the thrift shop, so here are some of the delightful books I snagged the other day on our maiden voyage to the local Sally Ann.

I have a list of books to someday hunt down for our "lezingsplank" (reading shelf). Some because I enjoyed them so much as a child myself, some because I enjoyed them so much years ago when I read them to the squabble of daycare kids I worked with and some because other people have all gotten together and recommended that everyone ought to have them on their lezingsplank and I agree with those people.

On the top five of that list is Robert McClosky's "Make Way for Ducklings" and lo and behold it was the first thing I laid my eyes on when I walked into the store. And it cost a whopping .25 cents.
If that doesn't make you believe in thrift store, nothing will.

But oh yes, we do believe in them here at our house, it's our source of finding so many one of a kind useful nifty and treasured things.

We found a table in the furniture section EXACTLY the right size and uniqueness for a project I insist on doing for our new playroom and wouldn't you know we took it home for 7.00.

I will post pictures of that to come for it is currently sitting in the garage awaiting leg amputation and other grizzly surgeries before being installed in the children's room.

Also we snapped up these boots for the dress-up trunk (also a thrifted find) because they are well... awesome and if they fit me, I would wear them.
They remind me of voyaguers of the Hudson Bay Company portaging  canoes across Northern Alberta or something.... maybe it's a FtMcMurray thing (the home of my childhood).....

But my daughter totally loves them because in her mind they conjure up cowgirls and Jesse the Yodeling Cowgirl in particular.
(I suppose that's what makes good dress-up clothes)

As we were leaving the Sally Ann a totally fantastic girl walked in, (LOVED her style) and of course she had two or three black garbage bags in tow.
I did a quick calculation in my head as to how long it would be before those bags hit the sales floor, and that's right,... I'll be swinging by sometime tomorrow to see what's in store.


1 comment:

  1. Honestly, if we went thrifting together, it would be a race to the books. I love that book and am totally thrilled (and a little jealous!) that you got for so little. I love finding books at thrift stores and of course other treasures.
    We really should get together, we're pretty flexible so if there's something that works better for you, let me know. =)



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