Monday, December 20, 2010

The Bread of Friendship.

" I don't think I want something that takes ten days to make", my sister told me last week, when I asked if she wanted a starter of the Amish Friendship Bread I've been working on.
"Maybe, you make it first and if it's really really good, then maybe I'll think it's worth it."
Fair enough.

So, I baked it.... and it was DELICIOUS!
I feel a little like a bread factory right now, as I have multiple starters on the go now on my countertop and the whole thing just keeps multiplying every time you make it. (I don't have the heart to throw out perfectly good starter at the end of the recipe). I've been giving loaves away and trying to convince others to take a starter, but perhaps I am alone on wanting to be a one woman Amish Bread Factory.
Again; fair enough.

Oh but this bread is so delicious! It's exactly how I remembered it as a kid and so much more. It's just the right blend of sweet and spicy and the sugary crust on the top... oh my,how I swoon!

We've been eating hefty amounts of it around here for the past week, for breakfast, morning snack, tea time, dessert after supper and bedtime snack.

I can't begin to tell you how good it is with eggnog.

Will I get sick of all the Amish bread I stand in good stead to make if no one rescues me from this crazy growing recipe? Perhaps, but I will stock my freezer till I run out of room and give as much away as I can.
Are you a friend of mine?
You will get bread.
Are you not a friend of mine yet?
We shall become friends through the giving of too much bread.

Oh this is a very good thing indeed.


  1. It is so delicious! If I was closer, I would be happy to take a starter from you dear Cousin :)

  2. Would I like some STARTER,?? Yes! But can it be made Gluten-Free? I doubt it. How well I remember a friend giving me some starter, many years ago, & I also remember the "Starter Here-Starter There" dilemma. There are so many different things one can make with it too, though I no longer have the recipes. Yup! It's GOOD!!! Enjoy! Enjoy!!



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