I was reminded of a story told by Corrie Ten Boom; when she was a child she asked her earthly father some very heavy questions and her Father's reply was apt. He told her that just as he would never ask her to carry a suitcase too heavy for her physically, our Heavenly father asks too that we place our burdens on Him and allow him to carry them for us.
It doesn't mean we don't feel them, but their weight is not on us.
Later, when her life circumstances carried Corrie down some very dark and trying roads her simple prayer became to ask God "Father, would you then, hold this also?"
His burden is easy and His yoke is light.
And so in the pain comes the thankfulness, like so many shafts of light coming through a dirtied window until all around is filled with a peaceful light that can't be touched but is deeply felt.
He is here too, and he will carry it.
Today, I am thankful for:
Contented children
The phone call you needed.
A simple peanut butter sandwhich
A tidied room
A God who hears and answers prayers
Simple gifts from a daughter at school.
Cold remedies for snotty babies
The washing machine contines... barely, but it continues....
Advent and a focus for my faith

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