Don't ya just love a good garage sale!
This all got me thinking about garage sales and how they've always been a part of my life in one way or another. I remember as a kid going to garage sales with my family on Saturday mornings and coming back with such things as a pair of child-size cross country skis or a homemade mop doll for .25.
As a teen, my friends and I got into sailing a little and my friend Matt and I once spent a whole day tracking down a record players for some classic vinyls we found at another sale. (Among them was an original Thriller album. I know, sick right?)
Of course there's plenty of junk to go around, and I'm sure my sale was no different. There's always the bins you make of stuff for ten cents asking yourself the whole time? Where and when did I even acquire this stuff in the first place. But one sweet little girl bought a couple little knickknacks for a total of 30 cents (which she borrowed from her gran), gave them all names and hugged them all the way to the car, so I guess enough on that.
On day two I was joined by my awesome friend, whom we'll name Al to keep her identity mysterious and intriguing to the public.
The point here is garage sales are the more the merrier.
Lastly I just thought I'd post two quick pics of some of the most awesome stuff I ever found at a garage sale
Fisher Price Barn and animals for $1.00
A 12 place setting of China; the plates, salad plates, soup/salad bowls, coffee cups, desert/bread plates, and Cup saucers $30.00
That china set is an awesome find! No wonder it's one of your favourites!