Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gratitude for Tuesday

Yesterday I was mowed down by the "hangover" phase of a migraine that happened in my sleep. Mercifully, it was more mild than they usually are but not without the debilitating lethargy and residual aches and pains that left me tied to cuddles on the couch and a stint of puppet-making in the playroom.

These little characters kept Ava Grace busy ALL DAY yesterday, (I'm not exaggerating). I must have sat through some 20 puppet shows in the afternoon and there were even elaborate sets created out of the pile of felt scraps from my stash in the craft bin. There were comedies and tragedies and even some musicals thrown into the mix; it was just what the doctor ordered.

So, yes today I am thankful to have woken up without pain and with my normal amount of energy back (even though I am still struggling through a headcold. funny how a migraine will make that feel like no big deal), but I am thankful in retrospect for some of the quieter, sweet moments that happen when a day winds down to an absolute crawl. I was forced to let the dishes pile up along with the picture books beside me and my little people on the couch. I sat and observed my little girl and little boy happily playing and circulating back to me for cuddles, hugs and kisses for their boo boos. My kids were happy to eat saltines for lunch and so was I. (an entire sleeve each actually...yikes). My husband, who often rescues me like a knight in shining armor, deftly whipped up a pizza from scratch when he got home and took the children for a trip to the library,and of course they make children's movies for days like that :)

At greater length, here's my list of blessings from the preceding week:


11. Pink picnics for sweet little girl's; the teacups never even spilled.

12. Realizing we've been friends for 6 years already, and how much I'm going to miss her in a year when she's gone.

13. Working alongside family in the sun and wind and feeling good to be a little dusty and tired with the rest of them.

14. getting caught up over coffee with my pal

15. Seeing how beautiful my sister's hands can make the house I once called home.

16. Seeing how very much her home it is now.

17.Communal Ice Cream Cones shared amogst little tongues

18 .Sweet babies who don't fuss during a shopping trip

19. A reminder that the new wave of babies could start to arrive any day now

20.Making the best of the wind, to fly kites and dry laundry on the line

Have a really fabulous Tuesday everyone!

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