Tuesday, April 12, 2011

From the Ground Up

Lookee Lookee what's grown in my window sill!!!!

After planting our seeds last week and having less than high expectations for my success, I began to the obsessive behaviors of going back and forth to the window to check on the seeds progress and ruminate about what wasn't progressing.
Kevin comes home from work and get's a full rundown of what's sprouting and what's not before he even has his coat off poor man.  Ah, but the thrill, the Thrill, of watching something small and green poke from the soil and to just know that it struck out from the minuscule seed that you planted there in the earth ; that is too much to keep to oneself. It is something that needs to be documented and shared, so here is our little update on the seedling patch:

Also, last night Kevin and I stayed up to watch our DVD from the library on organic gardening; we're taking notes and sitting on the edge of the couch to pause the video and playback certain things so we don't miss a single word.
We had to laugh at ourselves and our enthusiasm, but the learning is great and I now can discourse freely on the uses of Diatomaceous Earth for pest control of slugs and snails....

Are my thumbs green yet? Cause already my brain feels like it might just be turning that shade....

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